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Navigating HR Software Selection


Harbouring the Perfect HR Software

In the diverse landscape of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), choosing the right solution for your organisation can be a formidable task. The market is packed with diverse options, from best in breed solutions to comprehensive all-in-one HRIS providers. However, before diving into the selection process, it’s crucial to understand and address the pain points your business faces. Rushing into a decision without a clear strategy can lead to time-consuming choices and potential misalignment with your organisational needs.

1. Identifying Your Pain Points

To embark on this journey effectively, first conduct an audit of your existing HR processes, starting from hiring to retirement. Recognise the pain points within these processes and rank them in order of priority, from high to low. This step is vital, as it sets the stage for making informed decisions.


Manual processes often dominate HR functions and automating them all at once can seem overwhelming. To tackle this, pinpoint the aspects consuming the most time. Addressing these quick wins not only aids in ROI calculations but also helps in distinguishing ‘must-haves’ from ‘nice-to-haves’ in terms of features and functionality.

Common Pain Points

Here are some typical pain points experienced by many organisations. Recognise any of these challenges within your business?

  • Recruitment

    • Manual, time-consuming processes for recruiters and applicants.
    • Lack of visibility for hiring managers and a centralised hub for applications.
    • Slow and expensive time-to-hire.
  • Onboarding

    • Absence of preboarding or structured onboarding programs leading to inconsistent new-hire experiences.
    • Essential checkpoints in the onboarding process get overlooked, hindering new employees’ productivity.
  • Performance Management

    • Time-consuming manual review processes.
    • Lack of visibility over goals and performance, resulting in low productivity and engagement.
  • Learning Management

    • Time-consuming delivery of learning programs.
    • Difficulty in tracking completion rates and automating reminders to staff.
  • Payroll

    • Errors in payroll processing due to manual data handling.

2. Consider Your Business Size and Complexity

Your organisation’s size and complexity are pivotal factors in determining your most pressing HR pain points. A small, single-location business will have vastly different HR needs compared to a multinational corporation with a global presence. Consider not only your current needs but also potential future requirements, especially if your business is on a growth trajectory.

3. Prioritising Must-Have Features

After identifying and prioritising your pain points, focus on determining the ‘must-have’ features for your HR software. Decide whether a point solution or an all-in-one HRIS aligns with your needs.

Point Solutions

  • Ideal for specific needs, offering focused functionality.
  • Can be limiting in terms of overall capabilities.

All-in-One HR Software

  • Provides a wide range of functionality across the HR spectrum.
  • Streamlines various processes within one platform.
  • Often cost-effective, especially when adding new features in the future.

4. Understanding Pricing Structures

Your budget plays a significant role in choosing the appropriate software. Align your pain points, ‘must-have’ features, and budget to select a suitable pricing structure.

Common Pricing Structures

  • Per-User – Flexible pricing based on the number of users accessing the software.
  • Module-Based – Pay for specific modules or features relevant to your organisation’s needs.
  • Tiered – Different packages with varying features to suit different requirements.
  • Subscription-Based – Recurring fee for software access with regular updates and support.
  • Usage-Based – Pay based on actual usage metrics.
  • Freemium Model – Basic version for free, with paid options for additional functionalities.

5. Implementing the Software: What to Expect

Implementing software is a significant task, especially considering the size of your business. Before finalising your provider, thoroughly understand the implementation process and the level of support offered. Ensuring transparency in costs and required efforts is crucial to a successful implementation. Some providers provide full support whereas others are self-implementing.

6. Safeguarding Your Data: Prioritise Security

Data security is paramount, especially in the realm of HR, dealing with sensitive employee information. Assess your software provider’s security standards, focusing on encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and comprehensive information security policies.

7. Planning for the Future: Scalability Matters

Select HR software that can adapt and grow with your business. Decide on for scalable solutions that allow you to add functionalities as your business expands or your needs evolve.

8. Ensuring Ongoing Support: Customer Assistance

Post-purchase support is vital for optimising the value of your HRIS investment. Inquire about the customer support options available, such as dedicated Account Managers or Customer Success Managers, to guarantee ongoing assistance and guidance.

Key Points

In conclusion, investing time in understanding your pain points, identifying essential features, and aligning your budget with the right pricing structure will set the stage for a successful HRIS selection. Additionally, prioritise data security, consider scalability, and ensure ongoing support to make the most of your investment. Remember, an informed decision today will pave the way for an efficient and streamlined process tomorrow.

Connect With Us

If you would like assistance in navigating HRIS selection and understanding the best-fit solution for your organisation, please contact us and a Mapien Workplace Strategist will be in touch within 24 hours.